Date Projections

VBScript Snippet

Date Projections

Ever wanted to know the date from given criteria, e.g the 1st Sunday in December 2003.

Try it here



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VBScript Code

There are a number of ways to get the initial data - arguments, hard-coded, or listboxes (as above)

An example of using listboxes can be seen by viewing the source of this document.

The following code (hard-coded) will output the date for the 1st Sunday in January 2003.
It could also be written using arguments e.g. wk = args(0), dy = args(1) etc

Option Explicit
Dim wk,dy,mth,yr,firstOfMonth,dateRequired
wk = 1        '1 = 1st, 2 = 2nd, 3 = 3rd, 4 = 4th, 5 = Last
dy = 1         '1 = sunday, 2 = monday ... 7 = saturday
mth = 1       '1 = january, 2 = february .... 12 = december
yr = 2003    'year

If wk = 5 Then
    mth = mth + 1
    wk = 0
End If

firstOfMonth = DateSerial(yr, mth, 1)
dateRequired = firstOfMonth - Weekday(firstOfMonth, (dy Mod 7) + 1) + (7 * wk)
msgbox FormatDateTime(dateRequired, vbShortdate)

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